We develop our activity in 3 sales channels or SBU (Strategic Business Unit). Each has specific characteristics that we address in a personalized way to respond to the needs of our clients with a Total Management formula:

Herbalists – Specialized stores
Traditional channel for all those specialized stores or herbalists, who seek artisanal, regional products with a differentiated quality. An extensive beekeeping range and completing our offer with dietary, cosmetic and natural food products.
We collaborate with large retailers by packaging for their own brands or private label, channeling our efforts on a policy of quality, service and collaboration with the distribution brand to bring the user a close experience and perception of the product, transmitting our passion for honey and environment in which it is produced.
Industry – Bulk
We serve the demand of the food industry and of those pharmaceutical, dietary and cosmetic laboratories that use honey, royal jelly, pollen or propolis as raw material or ingredient in their products.