At Naturval Apícola S.L.U. we pay special attention to the role that companies have with respect to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and to the actions related to its proper compliance. That is why we recognize its importance in the success of the company, in order to maintain the trust of our customers, our employees, suppliers and all the parties involved.

We are committed to supporting and applying the fundamental principles in the field of Human Rights, working conditions, the fight against corruption and / or fraud, as well as protecting consumers and our environment.

For this reason, we form part of the group of companies registered in the “Code of good practices in food contracting” and in the following document we want to publicize and share our values and commitments in this regard.

Communicating truthful information and ensuring that the parties involved comply with these fundamental principles in all their activities and sites around the world.

Consequently with the commitments acquired, Naturval will undergo internal and external audits that verify compliance with its commitments and will communicate the extension of the same obligations to its suppliers and collaborators.

Código Buenas Prácticas en la Contratación Alimentaria
Naturval Honeycomb of Biodiversity

Environment and pollination

We are aware of the crucial importance of protecting our environment, “nature and its biodiversity are one of our most precious assets” (Mario Moreno) and it is our responsibility to protect them.

At Naturval we defend a return to naturalness, caring for ecosystems, being aware of the resources we consume, respecting the natural cycle of crops, animals and fighting against the overuse of chemical products which damage the countryside, our rivers and our bees.

As a beekeeping company and as beekeepers, we must value the work of bees that are the main pollinating insects, allowing the plants have a much more efficient and enhanced fertile-reproductive cycle.

compromiso bee

Due to the progressive decline of wild pollinating species due to environmental conditions, honey bees now account for 90-95% of all insect pollinators. Therefore, the bee can be considered an indispensable element of animal pollination.

Aware of the very important role that bees play in wild pollination, as well as the benefits of improvements in agricultural operations that it has on fruit trees (almond, peach, cherry, plum, apple, pear), forage legumes (alfalfa, clover), cucurbits (melons, cucumbers, pumpkins, courgettes, aubergines), plants for oil extraction (sunflower, rapeseed) and other horticultural crops (strawberries, raspberries, asparagus, blackberries, tomatoes).

We encourage all of you to protect bees and beekeeping.


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