beneficios jalea real

Learn the 3 benefits of royal jelly

Are you wondering, which are the benefits of royal jelly?

Royal jelly has traditionally been used as a product to improve our immune system, and indeed we are dealing with a natural and energetic substance, which is a source of numerous proteins, vitamins and minerals. When we think of an extra energy boost, royal jelly comes to mind, so we are going to tell you about its 3 most outstanding benefits.

Benefits of royal jelly

  1. Increases energy: It is nutritious for the human body, it provides proteins for muscles and bones and a multitude of vitamins B and E.
  2. Reduces stress: Its high content of vitamin B6 helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue, as well as to regulate hormonal activity. It provides essential minerals for the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Improves our immune system: It protects cells against oxidative damage, in addition to phenolic compounds that are antioxidant and antiviral. It is a source of zinc that contributes to the normal metabolism of carbohydrates, to the maintenance of bones, hair, nails and skin in good condition, to the maintenance of normal levels of testosterone and vision.

All these properties are responsible for the fact that royal jelly is recommended for good body development and in periods of physical and mental fatigue. In addition, royal jelly occupies a prominent place among children; it is very good for growing children but always from the age of 2 years.

How to take royal jelly?

When taking royal jelly it is recommended that adults take a dose of 1g per day and half for children, in Naturval, our royal jelly products already have the right amount incorporated, as in our vials or in the honey with royal jelly.

In addition our fresh royal jelly includes a teaspoon for the recommended daily dose. You must take into account that, in order to appreciate its effects in the organism, it is necessary to maintain the intake of 1g daily, preferably on an empty stomach, for at least one month. It is also advisable to take a break after some seasons of consumption, for example, after 3 months of intake, a break.

In the case of fresh royal jelly, it is essential to keep it in the refrigerator for its good preservation.

To summarize: More energy, less stress and a healthier organism… Undoubtedly benefits that translate into an improvement of our mood and that reaffirm what is said about it: Royal jelly, a real jewel for the maintenance our health.

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