tarta queso higos

Cake: Cottage cheese, figs and honey

For the dough:

– 75 grams of butter in cubes

– 125 grams of flour

– 25 grams of ground almonds

– A pinch of salt

– A little cold water

For the filling:

– 4 figs

– 100 grams of sugar

– 500 milliliters of water

– 600 grams of cottage cheese

– 4 egg yolks

– 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence

– 2 tablespoon of honey and a little more to spread over the cake.


Grease the mold to be used (if possible with a removable base) with butter.

Sift the flour and salt, add the butter and knead until you get a mixture similar to breadcrumbs. Add the ground almonds and add cold water until a homogeneous dough is obtained.

On a floured surface, we extend the dough with a rolling pin (it has to be a few centimeters bigger than the mold). Transfer the dough to the mold and press it with your fingers, adapting it and without leaving any piece uncovered (I told you that it breaks easily?). When we have lined it, we put baking paper on top and cover it with beans or dried chickpeas (I have a little bag just for these occasions). We take it to the fridge and leave it like this for half an hour.

Preheat the oven and bake the dough for 15 minutes at 190º. After this time, take it out and remove the beans with the paper and leave it for 5 more minutes.

Drain the cottage cheese, add the egg yolks, the vanilla essence, half of the sugar and the honey. We pour it over the dough and bake it for another 30 minutes.

To decorate:

Cook the figs in a saucepan with half the sugar and water for 10 minutes. Drain and let them cool. Later, cut them into slices and place them on the tart.

Serve with a good drizzle of honey on top.


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